Common Weeds and Wildflowers Seen in North Texas

Chris Jamieson Lawn Care

As the lawns in North Texas face more and more heat with intermittent rain, we are always delighted to see the hearty wildflowers native to North Texas. What’s less exciting are the common weeds that also populate many landscapes. In this article, Lawn Connections looks at the common weeds and wildflowers seen in North Texas.

Weed: Dandelions

Dandelions, a perennial weed, blossom spring through fall. Plants grow readily from seed and regrow from the prior year’s taproot. The cheery flowers provide an early source of nectar and pollen for bees. This weed is resilient, and some homeowners choose to coexist with the dandelion instead of fight it.

Weed: Ragweed

Ragweed is a major cause of hay fever. Plants are upright and bushy, growing up to three feet tall. Seeds are displayed on spikes at the ends of branches. Plants should be removed before they produce seeds, which are viable in the soil for five years or more.

Weed: Henbit

Henbit germinates in winter and grows through the spring. Its tiny purple flowers seem insignificant, but they are an early source of nectar for butterflies lured into the air by unseasonably balmy days.

Wildflower: Bluebonnet

Bluebonnet begins blooming around the early spring. All six species of bluebonnet that grow in the state have been designated the State Flower by the Texas Legislature. This is a popular wildflower for family photos throughout the state.

Wildflower: Indian Paintbrush

Indian paintbrush blooms in early spring throughout the state. Several species exist, and the colors vary, including scarlet, orange, cream, yellow, and occasionally purple. The bright tips of the petal-like bracts look like they’ve been dipped in paint.

Wildflower: Indian Blanket

Indian blanket blooms from April to June across much of the state. When viewed in a mass, the brilliant combination of red, orange, and yellow resembles brightly woven fabric. This flower is also sometimes called the Firewheel.

Call Us to Learn More

Call Lawn Connections at (817) 769-6950 to learn more about weeds, wildflowers, and fertilization options for your North Texas lawn.