Fall’s Here – Gardening Anyone?

Chris Jamieson Lawn Care

by Martha Gail Moore

The hot summer is over, your grass has somewhat survived and fall is here – time for some lawn care and gardening maintenance. What should that include?

The two most important things your lawn needs now to come back strong in the spring are:

  1.  Complete balanced fertilizer to build turf
  2. Pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed growth

It’s all about the root system – apply full feeding fertilizer

Get your turf grass ready for the winter weather by applying a balanced fertilizer.  This prevents plant damage to your lawn & landscape.

For your blooming plants like roses, azaleas, crape myrtle, and other shrubs, you should add phosphorous to the soil now. This will give them the food they need to bloom in the spring. Potassium helps plants deal with the excessive temperatures of winter as well as the stress of drought conditions.  Our fertilizers for fall is a 11-22-22 with Microbes.  It’s the best!

Apply herbicide to prevent winter weeds

During the winter your lawn goes into its dormant state, gardening slacks off and weeds can easily take root. Applying pre-emergent herbicide can prevent the seeds from germinating.

Plant landscape and shade trees now!

If you want to plant shade trees, shrubs, roses, or other flowers, now is the best time of year to do that. The soil is still warm and will be until around the first of December. Perennials also can be planted now. Wait to plant pansies until October 1st or later.

After the leaves have dropped, clean them up & mulch beds!.  Compost is another great way to improve the soil & protect your plants.  It will retain moisture and prevent weeds in beds.

Lawn maintenance and gardening are a year-round business, but more labor-intensive during the change of seasons. If you are not a gardener, your best bet will probably be getting set up with your local lawn service to prep your lawn for winter or for a year-round plan. Again, now is the time to apply winterizing fertilizer for the turf and to prevent plant damage, apply herbicide to prevent weed growth, and plant any shade trees. Wait for spring and enjoy your lush lawn and colorful flowers.